APTSol is provided with state-of-the-art, constantly updated equipment; such a technological provision allows us to provide a range of highly specialized services characterized by high added-value.
UV Spectrophotometer (with thermostated multiple holder for kinetics analysis);
HPLC (diode array UV detector with autosampler);
DSC (with intracooler for sub-ambient analysis);
TGA (connected to a FTIR interface);
FTIR (with transfer line connected to the TGA equipment)
Latest-generation freeze-drier with process parameters accurate control and probes for monitoring the samples temperature;
Laser diffraction particles dimensions analyzer;
Dissolution apparatus for in vitro release testing of drugs from solid pharmaceutical dosage forms (up to six replications);
Different equipment for the characterization of solid pharmaceutical dosage forms (friabilimeter, durometer, angle of repose);
Rotational and capillary viscosimeters;
Spray Drying/Chilling system with 25 inch drying chamber;
Lab-scale system for the production of microparticles by ionotropic gelation;
High-pressure homogenizer (up to 1200 bar with interchangeable interaction chambers);
Ball mill;
Planetary mixer.